PresentationTheme Aero
A highly polished Windows Aero theme for WPF

Faithful Pixel-Perfect Recreation

Includes proper animations, popup drop-shadows and Explorer-styles.

Drop-in Replacement

Can be used as a replacement for the default theme without requiring any further changes to XAML.

Includes Windows 10 Aero, AeroLite and High Contrast themes.

Windows 10 Aero Windows 10 AeroLite Windows 10 High Contrast White Windows 10 High Contrast #1

Includes Windows 8/8.1 Aero, AeroLite and High Contrast themes.

Windows 8/8.1 Aero Windows 8/8.1 AeroLite Windows 8/8.1 High Contrast White Windows 8/8.1 High Contrast #1